Easy Email template to Delete Any Online Account
If you are thinking about deleting your account in any website or platforms, you can use the following email example and send it to any online site to request their team to remove your account in a polite and professional way.
Subject:Â Request Delete Account from Your Database
Dear (Company Name) Team,
I have a registered account in your database. My registered account name is Nicky [Your Name] and my registered email address is nicky@abc.com [Your Email Address]. As I am unable to use this account for sometimes, I would like to request the deletion of my account from your database completely. If there is any notification or marketing communication email registered with this account, please kindly help me to remove them completely. I would appreciate if you can send me a confirmation once the deletion of my account from your database is done. Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Nicky [Your Name]
nicky@abc.com [Your Email Address]
xxx- xxx-xxx [Your phone number]